
What to Ask a Tree Service Before Hiring?

What to Ask a Tree Service Before Hiring?

Trees do look amazing and add to the natural beauty of the house. At the same time, home trees are the best source to produce a fair share of oxygen. Regardless of the reason to have trees in the garden having trees in the back or front yard can be harmful as well. That’s right, a poorly grown tree can become a serious threat to the building over time without your knowledge. The biggest reason for that is the dual growth of trees. The tree grows upward as well as downward and if it is grown close to the structure a professional tree service must be hired to deal with it before it can destabilize the building and ruin your investment.

If the tree is small, then you can handle it all by yourself quite easily, otherwise hiring experts becomes inevitable. Before you rush to hire professionals make sure you ask the following questions before getting into a contract.   

Are you experienced?

Cutting trees might seem like an easy job because a lot of people do it themselves, but it requires a certain skill and professionalism. Of course, using an ax is easier but what if the tree falls on the house or on the nearby sensitive structures and causes irreversible damage. That’s why it is always recommended to work with tree cutting services. Just imagine a tree that is planted in the center of multistory buildings.

A wrong move can damage the apartments or structure severely. An experienced company is well aware of taking out methods and sometimes only trimming would do the magic and you can save a lot of money and effort. The experienced companies have seen some very tough scenarios which make them an ideal pick for the job. So, make sure you ask this question and clear your doubts.

Is it safe to take it out?

Before you take out any trees it is essential that you pay attention to the environment it has around them. It can be a wall or the main house building right next to it and cutting it down would not be as easier as you might have thought. That’s why it is always mandatory that you ask this question from the tree service before hiring. When the professionals come for the survey, then simply ask if it going to be safe for the building. The survey is done for damage control because the roots of trees can go very deep inside the ground for water. A tree that is planted very close to the structure can threaten the stability from both below and above the ground. That’s why never skip this question unless you are satisfied.

When you’ll do it?

Timing is of greater importance for every task and for cutting down a tree isn’t any different. The professionals always pick a time based on the local conditions. Since bad weather isn’t recommended a sunny day must be selected. The chances of damage and risks involved increase when it is rainy because the soil around the stem softens greatly. However, if the tree is affected by the storm and poses a threat to the building, then professionals may choose to act regardless of the weather. Availability is also a matter of great concern, so make sure you always ask this question to clear your mind. 

Would it regrow?

It is rather an important question because growth is a natural process and if the root is still intact it will regrow for sure. Before you move ahead it is essential that you realize that it is not always possible to get rid of a threatening tree. That’s because if it has taken roots that can cause serious damages at removal, then professionals often recommend only cutting the stem every once in a while to keep it under control. So, if the root is still there it will regrow for sure and it is important that you listen to the expert on the matter. Sometimes the root is removed by using chemicals and sometimes it is simply burnt. So, don’t forget to ask these questions because the stability of your house is at stake. 

There are a lot of things that one must ask a professional tree service before hiring but the top concerns are all listed above. A lot of people also demand insurance to deal with unwanted damages that may occur and some are just concerned about whether the company is registered or not. So, the questions might change based on the situation and area. Because in some places you may need permission before you can chop down a tree.

For avoiding all the unwanted scenarios it is highly recommended to get in touch with an expert. If you don’t know how to hire tree experts, then you can ask your neighbor or maybe a friend that faced a similar situation. 

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