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Setting up Your Digital Solutions for Success: Key Challenges to Tackle During Software Implementation

Many businesses quickly start the digital solutions implementation process without considering all the bottlenecks and factors affecting overall success. It’s not a surprise that over 70% of digital transformations fail. That shouldn’t be allowed in any serious modern business.

Technology and digital solutions are key driving factors for efficiency, cost-effectiveness, competitiveness, and overall growth. In other words, organizations must implement the right solutions at the right time, with the proper mechanisms set in place to get the desired results.

Technology has reached such a sophisticated level that companies can’t see the whole scope because they lack the knowledge and experience of implementation. That’s why they should consider these critical challenges to meet them head-on.

Setting up good implementation process management

Software implementation is complicated to organize. Implementation software requires a skilled and dedicated team of experts who can see it through from planning to final implementation. The number one reason why digital changes fail is poor change management.

Implementing new digital solutions includes various strategies and mechanisms people aren’t used to working with. Furthermore, there’s always pushback from the employees within the organization, and it’s essential to set the right strategies to get them onboard since they’re the ones who will be using the new solutions on a day-to-day basis.

That’s why enterprises utilize software consulting services that can give the guidelines for the change, resources, and training needed so that the employees don’t get overwhelmed.

Defining the goals of the implementation

When implementing new solutions without clear goals, you don’t know what the results will be and whether they are positive. A new software can only help your business if you use it for the right processes to help it achieve its goals.

Here is the general goal hierarchy digital solutions that organizations should go over to make the right digital changes:

1.      Assess overall business goals.

2.      Determine which processes help achieve main business goals.

3.      Find the tools that can help improve processes for achieving goals.

4.      Outline the implementation goals for the best possible results.

Remember that if you don’t determine the criteria for success, you can’t understand what needs to be done to implement the software properly.

Planning failure digital solutions

Software implementations have a strict deadline. In other words, when the process starts, there’s no turning back, and you can’t move the deadline because it will cause additional issues and cause downtime. That’s why it is essential to have a comprehensive plan and the right management system to see it through.

Deadlines and milestones are the road plan that requires an end date. Your whole implementation process must be planned from start to finish. Organizations must use their goals to establish the implementation’s objectives.

It’s also crucial to assess the needs, determine the right software, create a timeline, calculate the required resources, provide training, communicate with everyone involved, and monitor the process for timely changes.

Unrealistic expectations

Organizations that try implementing in-house software solutions without experienced professionals who understand this kind of work often have unrealistic expectations. They expect too much from the software, want everyone to learn how to use the tools correctly, and want everything done quickly.

First, you need an expert who understands software and its abilities, especially when AI technologies are involved. You should find the right software partner who understands your key requirements and can help you deal with the biggest issues.

Getting the maximum possible ROI from your investment and the implementation process is impossible. Business goals and processes change, meaning you must change how you use software.

Bringing in more people to quicken the process

Many business managers lacking experience implementing new digital solutions think they can speed up everything by adding more people to work on it. Even though implementations have a wide scope, it’s crucial to have a few key leaders for change who can focus their efforts on the right places.

Adding more people will simply digital solutions create a more complex process and increase expenses. Furthermore, this leaves room for miscommunication and overworking since most people working on the project must also work on their daily tasks.

That’s why software implementation consultants usually assign up to two people to manage and oversee the implementation process. They work with key stakeholders within the company to organize everything and delegate tasks clearly so there is no miscommunication.


Just because there are challenges when implementing digital solutions doesn’t mean you should give up on them. However, the complex nature of modern business requirements, digital solutions, and organizational processes has made things more difficult.

That’s why companies look for help from various consulting agencies that can instantly deliver expertise and help them tailor the proper implementation process for their needs.

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