
How Do I Begin Using VPN White Label Software?

VPN (Virtual Private Network) services are growing popular at a rapid pace. More and more people have started seeking privacy online, given the rising threat of cybercrime. And while there are several existing VPN services that can cater to the public, there is still a need for more VPN services to emerge.

Setting up a VPN service from scratch can be a time and money-consuming process. One will need a significant amount of capital and technical experts to make it possible. In contrast, a White Label VPN service is something that can create the safe online environment that users need with a fraction of the capital investment.

Setting Up a White Label VPN

Initiating a White Label VPN business works like a charm. All one needs is affiliation with an existing reliable VPN service, and the rest comes following. For instance, PureWL is a White Label VPN service provider that offers reasonable rates and access to a secure VPN network. To get started with PureWL’s White Label VPN software, all one needs to do is:

Step 1

Sign Up

Sign up for a White Label VPN plan via the PureWL website.

Step 2


Let PureWL’s professional help you install the White Label VPN software for your business.

Step 3


Sell VPN subscriptions to your clients under your own VPN name.

Benefits of a White Label VPN

A White Label VPN service offers a plethora of benefits in addition to cost-saving and time-saving. Here are the most prominent ones:

Less Technical Expertise Needed

A VPN is already developed by highly capable developers at PureWL. And they shall help all White Label affiliates in setting up their business. As a result, those who are planning to White Label VPN services will not need to rely on technical experts as much as the existing VPN service.

VPN Dashboard

With a White Label VPN solution, affiliates can also enjoy access to a one-stop solution for all VPN maintenance and management needs. PureWL offers a reliable VPN dashboard where affiliates can keep a check on the status of their VPN service. There, customer information, billing, and other relevant information can be viewed conveniently.


PureWL also helps affiliates set up VPN SDKs for their clients so that they can enjoy optimum security and privacy on all their personal devices. Be it Android, iOS, Windows, or any other platform security is guaranteed.

More Time for the Actual Business Goal

Since the existing VPN service is taking care of the security and privacy of the customers, the business can focus on other matters that can help them grow. Affiliates will not need to make much effort or spend much money to keep the VPN service up and running.

Cater to a Wide Range of Audiences

Since PureWL’s VPN servers are strategically placed in more than 5700 locations in more than 90 locations across the globe, a majority of the audience can be approached. Whether it is geo-restrictions in Asia or Europe or privacy concerns in Australia, PureWL has the potential to help affiliates cater to them all.

All in All

Utilizing White Label VPN software for your personal growth is quite convenient. Especially when VPN services like PureWL are ready to help people out, creating a secure and private digital environment for people is possible instantly. And in case there is any interest in setting up a White Label VPN business, elaborate guidance can be obtained by getting in touch with a PureWL Customer Service representative.

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