
Techpally hints the Effects of new Technologies on Health

Techpally hints the Effects of new Technologies on Health

Digitization shouldn’t be used for its own sake, but rather when there is real potential to improve health care. 

We see great potential in applications that support doctors in their work – and do not replace them. 

Artificial intelligence can help, for example, to adapt treatment pathways to the current state of science and the patient’s individual symptoms, according to chaktty from Healthpally lab. 

In addition, there are areas of indication, such as dermatology or ophthalmology, in which artificial intelligence can support the doctor in making a diagnosis. “

 Hospital Management

The hospital operations of the future will differ significantly from those in the past and this moment. 

New technologies are developed and are starting to change the operations in the hospital in the long term, says Healthpally magazine editor.

Starting with the automation of previously analog processes through to “real digitization” and the use of AI, we are currently experiencing numerous innovations. 

Childbearing is becoming easier, especially in women with infertility. 

The hospital is becoming increasingly networked, both internally and externally.

A good example of this is the transfer of ECG data from the ambulance to the emergency rooms, the digital platforms in discharge management or, for example, networking with laboratory providers.

 The arrival of robotics will be particularly visible

Whether an autonomous care trolley or a humanoid robot: The employees in the healthcare sector receive new tools to cope with everyday life. 

It is important to Take patients and staff with you

Here, for example, a well thought-out digitization strategy can help identify challenges and act. 

We must not forget one thing: digitization is not an end in itself; rather, we want to make our processes and structures more efficient by using digital technologies, data and solutions and create added value for the people for whom we are there. “

Social interaction 

  • Digitization offers diverse opportunities for social work.
  • Digital technologies can strengthen people in need of care in their self-determination.
  • It can promote the participation of people with disabilities.
  • Digitization can relieve caregivers and caring relatives and make work processes more effective. 

Much is only in the testing phase, and there are already significant improvements in care through “mobile data acquisition” for outpatient care services.

In addition, these technologies are committed to the platform for social services, An easily accessible advice, mediation and information offer for older people and caring relatives. 

Part of our strategic direction is to help shape the digitization of society for the benefit and well-being of people. 

The vulnerable living situation of the people for whom chaktty advocates requires special efforts in the areas of data security, informational self-determination and the imparting of skills in dealing with new technologies. 

The heart of the social work  will continue to be the encounter from person to person, according to Techpally. 

Only skilled workers can be responsible for the quality of social work. 

Digitization must thus create space for human affection. Aspects of rationalization are legitimate.

How Digitization has helped NY Health sector 

 In addition to the key sectors of mechanical engineering and the automotive industry, the health industry and health services are becoming increasingly important and are becoming a decisive growth driver and job engine. 

The health economy, together with the country’s strengths in health tourism, has the potential to become a key economy of the 21st century.

Over one million employees – i.e. every sixth employee – generate around 54 billion dollar a year in NY only. 

The health industry thus accounts for around 12 percent of gross value added and 17 percent of the state’s workforce. 

That means: almost every sixth employee in New York works in the health industry.

The south-west is the most important location for the industrial health economy with the areas of pharmaceuticals, medical technology and biotechnology in US. 

One third of the health economy is industrial. That is the largest proportion in any federal state

With 38 billion dollars in export contributions and a share of exports from the health industry of around 14 percent of the overall regional economy, NYC is also the front runner among the federal states

In addition to world-famous large companies, it’s economic strength in this area is based in particular on a very high proportion of medium-sized companies. 

The main driving forces behind innovations in the healthcare industry are digitization, miniaturization, biologization and automation, which in their entirety advance personalized medicine in particular, with considerable patient benefits and high economic potential.

Technology has a positive impact on society.

Whether we realize it or not, technology has an impact on nearly every aspect of our lives. Some examples of how technology can improve our physical and mental health:

Health apps that keep track of long-term ailments and send important data to healthcare providers.

Nutrition, fitness, and mental health apps that help you keep track of your progress.

Access to test results and prescription refills via online medical records.

Visits to the doctor’s office through the internet.

Online education and the simplicity of research.

Improving the quality of one’s relationships through improved interaction with others around oneself.

Disadvantages of excessive use of technology

Research shows that when junk food and exercise are taken out of the equation, technology appears to have an effect on the health of children and adolescents.

The researchers defined screen time as encompassing a wide range of activities, such as watching television and surfing the internet.

tv, video games, phones, and other gadgets

Online surveys were used for the simple correlational investigation. They found that parents and caregivers should assist children learn to limit their overall screen use.

Unstructured playtime, rather than electronic media, is better for a child’s developing brain, according to the Mayo Clinic. Some screen time is fine at 2 years old, but it should not replace other vital learning opportunities like playtime.

Too much screen time, or screen time of poor quality, has been connected to studies showing:

issues with conduct

a lack of free time to have fun and a decline in social skills


a lack of rest


A common indication of eye strain in youngsters who spend a lot of time using digital gadgets is blurry vision and dry eyes. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, parents and caregivers should be aware of indicators of digital eye strain in their children and urge frequent visual breaks.


In today’s world, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. Even though it has the potential to cause some harm, it can also provide a slew of positive outcomes in the areas of education, health, and well-being.

If you’re aware of the potential drawbacks of technology, you can take steps to mitigate those effects and make the most of what it has to offer.

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