
How Did A Coronary Calcium Scoring Use To Determine The Risk Of Disease?

Suppose you are at risk of developing a coronary disease or another type of heart condition. In that case, your doctor could recommend measuring your calcium level (CAC), even if there are no symptoms.

A CAC procedure is a CT scanner that takes just minutes and displays the amount of calcium within the coronary veins. It’s a non-invasive and cost-effective way to check your heart health.

Calcium in your blood can influence how much oxygen and nutrients your heart receives. Your calcium heart score could indicate your risk of experiencing a cardiac attack. This allows your doctor to plan a treatment plan that will lower your chances of getting one.

What Does A Score Of Coronary Calcium Say About Your Cardiac Health?

A doctor can use your CAC score to help determine your risk for heart disease. Your doctor may use your score to design a treatment plan to improve your heart health.

Your doctor may have a slightly different CAC score calculation, but it is more likely that your scores will be calculated according to either the Agatston method or the volume method. Some new studies suggest these scores need to be calculated differently. But, Agatston and volume-based scoring systems are still the most commonly used and have been around for three decades.

The Agatston scoring methodology calculates the amount of calcium present in your heart. It evaluates the calcium levels in the heart and determines how much. Your gender and age can all be considered in the score.

These scoring methods have several advantages:

  • They are simple to use and very easy to calculate.
  • They are comparable throughout the world and take into account various factors, such as how old you are, what gender you are, and what race.
  • They have been trusted for decades.

What Is A Healthy Level Of Cardiac Calcium?

A healthy CAC score of 0 means there is little plaque in your arteries. This indicates that you are unlikely to have a cardiac attack. Your CAC score will determine how likely you are to have a heart attack.

  • Scores between 1 -100 indicate a low or moderate risk for a heart attack.
  • Scores between 100-30 indicate more calcium in your body and a greater chance of heart attacks.
  • Scores greater than 300 indicate you are at high risk of a coronary event and should be treated immediately.

Who Should Get A Test For Calcium Levels In The Heart?

To obtain a CAC, you must consult with a physician. A small amount of radiation will be used during the procedure. The doctor will then determine if it is necessary. This procedure does not require that you present with symptoms.

If you:

  • Are you a parent with a history of heart issues
  • Are you middle-aged and older?
  • High blood pressure
  • High Cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • You should take certain medications.
  • Have overweight
  • Don’t exercise regularly.
  • Smoke tobacco

How Is A Heart Scan Performed?

CAC scans take approximately 10 minutes. A trained technician conducts a CAC.

It is okay to wear comfortable clothes for the procedure. However, it may be necessary to change into a formal gown in order to prove that you aren’t wearing any metallic.

The technician will attach electrodes around your chest during the procedure. These will allow the technician to monitor your heartbeat during the CAC. The technician will assist with positioning you flat onto a table. After that, the machine will become a circular one.

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