
How to Better Deal With Post-Acute Withdrawal Syndrome

Newly sober people often suffer from PAWS or post-acute withdrawal syndrome. This occurs when someone stops taking a drug to which they are addicted. PAWS is extremely difficult to deal with.

Most addicts continue using because of PAWS symptoms. It is difficult to function while suffering from PAWS. Seeking professional help is usually advised.

There are healthy ways to detox. Here are some of the best ways to deal with PAWS.

  1. Identify the Problem

First, you need to recognize what the problem is.

Most people continue to use drugs and alcohol because they refuse to recognize the problem. This creates a cycle of dependency.

Once you recognize the problem, it’s important to recognize what the issue is and seek help immediately.

The type of help you need to seek depends on the issue. Detoxing from alcohol is different from detoxing from other drugs.

Judging the severity of the problem can be difficult.

Sometimes you need someone else to help you identify your problems.

If other people have suggested that you have a problem, it’s best to listen to them. They probably know you better than you know yourself.

Admitting you have a problem is the first step. It’s also often the hardest.

  1. Seek Professional Help

Once you’ve recognized the problem, seek help.

It’s good to tell your friends and family about the issue.

Your loved ones should encourage you to seek professional help. Your family won’t be able to fix your problems for you. They also shouldn’t have to carry the burden of helping you alone.

If you need to detox, you’ll probably need to go to a rehab center like Hollywood Hills Recovery. Going cold turkey is usually not the best solution. You are more likely to relapse if you detox on your own.

Detoxing and dealing with PAWS is not easy. You might need to wean off of drugs.

This depends on how long you have been addicted and your body type. Detoxing is easier for some people than it is for others.

Don’t be discouraged if you find it extremely difficult. You aren’t the only one.

Rehab isn’t the end of your journey.

You will likely continue to need professional help.

  1. Discuss Your Symptoms

Communicate your problems with your friends and family.

If they have never taken drugs, they might not understand what you’re going through. It’s important for them to know what you’re going through.

Withdrawal symptoms are different for everyone.

Some people might hallucinate, whereas others might feel more pain.

It’s especially important to talk about your symptoms with your doctor. If they don’t know what your problem is, they can’t help you.

Withdrawal is longer for some people than for others.

The longer you’ve been addicted, the longer your withdrawal period will be.

For most people, withdrawal symptoms will usually last for 1 to 3 days. They can last for up to a week. In severe cases, the period can take even longer.

Take it easy while you’re recovering.

Don’t push yourself too hard or undertake strenuous activity.

  1. Create a Routine

Your recovery period is a good time to create a healthy routine.

Rituals and routines take your mind off of things. It will distract your body.

The less you think about the pain, the less you will be able to feel it. You don’t need to be a yoga guru to utilize your brain power for good.

Journal or meditate. Do anything that helps you keep you on track.

Make sure the routine you create is positive. Keep up with your routine after the withdrawal period. It will help you be prepared when things get difficult.

In addition to professional help, help yourself.

It may seem cheesy, but a self-help book can change your life. Here is a list from Business Insider to give you some ideas.

When things get rough again, you’ll be glad for your routine.

  1. Stay Clean

It won’t be easy.

There will be times when you want to give up.

No matter how hard it seems, try your hardest not to fall back into bad habits. If you’re tempted to drink or take drugs, contact someone immediately.

If you can’t get in touch with anyone, call an anonymous hotline. These services exist to help you. There’s no reason not to use them.

Or distract yourself. Watch a movie or listen to some music.

Do whatever you need to do.


When you’re suffering from withdrawal, you feel miserable. It doesn’t last forever. Once it’s over, you’ll feel better than you ever have.

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