
How to Create a Strong Personal Brand

If you are familiar with online marketing, you will know the importance of strong personal branding. You can sell anything online if your personal brand stands out.

Creating a personal brand is no easy task. It requires a lot of energy and dedication to establish a good personal brand. However, no matter how hard it may seem, it is very much possible to build a personal brand. Here are some ways to help build a personal brand that will keep you ahead of everyone else.

Make a Personalized Logo

According to scientists, your brain can perceive an image faster than it takes our eyes to blink. We can interpret an image in a mere 13 milliseconds while it takes 400 milliseconds for our eyes to blink. It is hardly surprising how vital a logo or any other image is in maintaining audience engagement.

Creating a logo will go a long way in strengthening your personal brand. A logo will help your followers recognize you instantly and will also attract new followers. Not only that, it will help in retaining existing ones as well. This formula has stood the test of time. Companies have had this practice for decades. There is no way brands like Google, Facebook, or Coca-Cola would be as big as they are today without their iconic logos.

Create a Tagline Linked With Your Brand

Now that you have a logo, it is time to create a tagline for your brand. A logo on its own is meaningless. It has to be associated with some philosophy or thought. A tagline will help you communicate the intent of your brand. It will give your brand a sense of identity and make it strong.

However, not just any tagline will suffice. Deciding on a tagline will require you to do a great deal of brainstorming. Your tagline has to be memorable. A plain or unoriginal tagline will be detrimental to your brand. People generally like fresh content. Having an overused tagline will turn people away from your brand. Having a unique and creative tagline will help your brand gain prominence.

Short taglines work a lot better than longer ones. Your tagline should not be longer than just five or six words. If it is longer, it will be hard for people to retain. Nike has been using the “Just Do It” tagline for decades. It is one of the most easily recognizable taglines ever created. It is just three words so it is very easy for people to remember.

Make your tagline a part of your brand. Use it on your website as well as on your professional and personal social media accounts. This will enable your brand to get a good exposure.

Before you go on about enhancing your personal brand online, it is better to ensure you are using a reliable internet service like HughesNet. Contact HughesNet Internet to get an appropriate plan that suits your requirements.

Hire a Professional to Make Your Self Portraits

Pictures and images often have a greater impact than just words. The same is true for your brand. Your photos and how you appear to your audience matter more than you realize.

If you want to create a strong brand, you will need to look good in your pictures. With social media, people are now constantly in the spotlight and people spend most time seeing pictures. So having great pictures, even on your personal social media accounts, will allow your brand to connect more effectively with your audience. You do not need to be a model or be super attractive to have good photos. The quality of photography should be high in whatever pictures you post online.

Using the services of a professional photographer will help in getting good-quality pictures. This will subsequently allow your brand to become strong. Professional photographers have the unique ability to capture a person’s character and essence through their photography. Unlike taking a selfie, it will cost you some money to get professional self-portraits. However, this will be money well-spent.

Summing Up

Your personal brand will not get created overnight. It will require commitment and persistence to create a strong personal brand. The process may be gradual, but as long as you are willing to invest your time in it, your personal brand will eventually become strong and noticeable.

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