
What Are The Benefits Of Clinical Hypnotherapy?

Clinical hypnotherapy can be described as a combination of hypnosis, psychological treatment, and hypnosis. This is done by a trained professional, such as a Clinical Hypnotherapist (Psychologist), Mental Health Worker (Mental Health Worker), or even a Medical Physician. Hypnosis can be used to treat specific conditions such as pain, anxiety, and addiction. You can think of hypnosis as a “connector”, which links your subconscious mind and your conscious mind. Also known as being in a euphoric state, hypnosis is a way to get out of your head. It is possible to access deeply buried memories, past experiences, and suppressed emotions to identify the root cause of destructive behavior/habits. This can be done quickly, rather than taking weeks. Hypnotherapy is a popular method for achieving fast results for clients of medically-trained and allied health professionals.

What Benefits Does Clinical Hypnotherapy Offer?

1. Chronic And Acute Pain Is Reduced

A 2009 Clinical Hypnotherapy study compared 13 different trials to determine if hypnosis-treated pain results. The study found that in almost all cases, hypnosis intervention produced significant decreases in a range of chronic pain issues. Chronic or long-lasting pain refers to pain that is persistent for more than six months. It can also cause distress and considerable suffering. Hypnotherapy was used to treat pain from arthritis, fibromyalgia, and lower back pain. The hypnotic treatment method was used to treat patients. This included increasing patient competency and mastery in managing stress and pain by visualizing competing sensations in affected regions.

2. Reduction In Anxiety And Symptoms Of Depression

Mental disorders are quickly becoming the biggest national health concern, with one in seven people suffering from depression in their lifetime and one out of four suffering from anxiety. Anxiety related hypnotherapy can help people with anxiety and depression by improving their physical and emotional control, decreasing self-consciousness, and channeling focused attention. A Clinical Hypnotherapist can guide you to a relaxed state and then suggest ways to manage anxiety or depression.

3. Management Of Fears And Phobias

Clinical Hypnotherapy has a wide range of applications. One of these is the treatment of fears and phobias. Phobia may cause anxiety and panic in sufferers. It can also lead to physical symptoms like sweating, heavy breathing, and increased heartbeat. An average of 56.46% reduction in symptoms was observed in hypnotherapy sessions for specific phobias like driving, snakes, and heights.

4. Addiction And Substance Abuse

For those struggling with substance abuse and addiction, clinical hypnotherapy is a drug-free option. It can be used to treat a variety of issues, including gambling, drugs, food, and alcohol. In a hypnotic state, you can be more open and receptive to suggestions. You may also be less resistant to discussing deep emotional traumas or memories that could have caused your addiction. Clinical Hypnotherapy might also give you a more positive outlook on your problem. It may help you gain the confidence and willpower to eliminate bad habits.

5. Self-Esteem And Relationships

Clinical Hypnotherapy’s effectiveness in improving interpersonal relationships is undoubtedly one of its most important applications. Hypnotherapy can be described as a “psychological, mental healing process” that can be used to achieve desired goals such as changing your current feelings and behaviors. These feelings and behaviors can often reflect the negative attitudes, beliefs, and values that we hold about ourselves and our relationships. This can lead to poor growth and/or failure. You can identify negative patterns in your behavior and emotions by hypnosis. A hypnotherapist can help you to change how you speak to yourself, treat others, deal with situations, and look at life through a different lens.

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