
Do you think it is necessary to hire a hacker?

Is it necessary to hire a hacker?

Leaders in organizations rely heavily on their IT department for their expertise. Since these departments are filled with competent and hardworking employees who are dedicated to protecting a company’s systems, why would leadership feel the need to hire an outsider?

In spite of the fact that IT professionals are often highly skilled at designing and implementing security measures, hackers can bypass these measures and think outside the box. Informally trained IT professionals may not be aware of the methods they use. A company can “test” its network security ahead of a real cyberattack by hiring ethical hackers, who possess the same natural curiosity and mindset as malicious hackers.

With the assistance of the IT department, this approach identifies vulnerabilities and verifies security measures of devices and systems. The information gained can help the IT department strengthen its security measures.

In order to build a secure infrastructure, organizational leaders need to explain that hiring an ethical hacking service isn’t a test of the IT department’s capabilities.

Vetting a Hacker or a Hacking Service

In order to determine whether or not to hire an ethical hacking service, it is first and foremost important to determine whether the hackers can be trusted. A system’s vulnerabilities could result in access to highly valuable and sensitive information if these individuals are tasked with identifying them. In order to assess and select a hacking service, an organization should consider the following:

The needs of the organization

Do you wish to identify unknown vulnerabilities in the system? To test employee cyber readiness? Or to verify that the organization’s network is robust? It is important to clearly state the purpose and goals for hiring a hacking service in order to determine which skills and services are required.

Conducting an organization-wide inventory assessment

You should perform a thorough inventory of your organizational assets as part of the preparation process. An organizational inventory identifies all the networked devices in the system, as well as the valuable information it contains. By identifying the risks (vulnerabilities) associated with each asset, hackers will be able to determine which devices need to be tested.

Vetting and reference checks

It is crucial for an organization to consult with a human resources specialist during this phase to ensure that the chosen individual(s) or service are properly vetted. This process should include a thorough and robust background check, character references, and past customer recommendations, at a minimum.

Assessing the skills and proficiencies of hackers

In order to ensure candidates possess the technical and physical control skills needed to assess the organization’s systems, organizational leaders should verify their capabilities and skills during the vetting process. Applicants must understand physical control systems, which prevent physical entry into buildings. Technical controls include knowledge of software and hardware devices, such as firewalls and intrusion prevention systems. They must also understand the organization’s policies and procedures involving these systems, so they can make recommendations to modify and bolster them.

Legal considerations

In addition, the legal team of the organization should be involved in the selection and vetting process. Those who perform ethical hacking are employees of the corporation, which is liable for any damage caused to its system or to outsiders. By monitoring the actions of ethical hackers, property damage can be minimized and liability can be reduced. Organizations remain responsible for the actions of any entity representing the organization—this is a responsibility that cannot be delegated and is considered due diligence. As a result, it is essential for organizations to be aware of the liabilities associated with ethical hacking services.

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