
7 Tips on Choosing the Right Proxy for Scraping

Due to the increase in internet criminality, it has become expedient for internet users, especially businesses, to use a proxy every time they go online.

It is now easier for criminal elements to monitor and breach sensitive data or for marketers to identify an individual and target them with personalized ads to the point of causing embarrassment.

Networks and servers can also identify users’ internet protocol (IP) and can also easily block them based on where they are browsing from.

Proxies are tools used to mediate connections between users and the web, and when users hide behind proxies, they are guaranteed security, anonymity and privacy.

However, all proxies do not offer these benefits in equal amounts, so it is important to consider some criteria before picking a proxy service provider properly.

In the next sections, we will understand what a proxy is and how to select the most rewarding proxies.

What Is A Proxy?

A proxy can best be described as a tool to bridge the connection between internet users and the web. Check this “What Is a Proxy” article for more details.

They are built to function as intermediaries that can stand anywhere between users and their target destinations and keep users safe and anonymous while interacting with the web on the user’s behalf.

Proxies also work automatically to transfer requests and deliver results quickly, thereby reducing the number of resources you expend when you use them. Returning results quickly reduces how much time data extraction takes and helps you get data in real time.

While these are the general attributes of proper proxies, it is important to note that different proxies focus on more specific areas. Some proxies may be better at getting certain tasks done than others.

The Main Types of Proxies

There are several types of proxies, with more being developed every year. But below are the most commonly used proxy types:

  1. Residential Proxies

Residential proxies are built and managed by internet service providers (ISPs), and the ISPs also provide their IP addresses.

This makes these addresses real and closely similar to those used by real internet users. It is almost impossible for servers and websites to distinguish residential proxies from human internet users.

Consequently, they are less likely to be banned as the websites cannot tell if they are bots or tools. Residential proxies can also rotate IPs which makes them widely applicable to various tasks that require using a different IP for every new request.

However, they are more expensive and slower than datacenter proxies.

  1. Datacenter Proxies

Datacenter proxies are the direct opposites of residential proxies. They are built and owned by third-party companies that allocate cloud-generated IP addresses to their users.

This means that their IP cannot be pin-point to any physical location and is easier to differentiate from the average human user.

While this could mean it could be easier for websites to identify them as tools and block them, datacenter proxies do have several operations that they are specialized towards.

They are also faster and more affordable and offer higher reliability, especially when using the dedicated types.

  1. Shared Proxies

A shared proxy could be a residential or datacenter proxy shared between multiple users.

They are not free, and users have to pay a fee to use this service. They also offer reliability and security while being easier to afford than all the proxies mentioned above.

However, they do present the problem of “shared crime”, where the negative activities of any single user can be blamed on all the other users.

Shared proxies are also slower since multiple users have to share one bandwidth between them.

  1. Dedicated Proxies

Dedicated proxies are also called private proxies and are described as proxies used by a single user at any given time. A single internet user enjoys the IPs, locations, and bandwidth offered by the provider at a time.

Consequently, it eliminates any problems associated with sharing an IP or bandwidth. It is faster and more reliable.

However, it is more expensive, and it may be difficult for the average internet user to afford it or for a small business to use it all the time.

7 Important Tips to Consider When Looking For Proxy Service Providers

Below are important factors to consider when choosing a proxy service provider:

  1. Check the Proxy Pool Size

The size of a proxy pool can determine how versatile that proxy can be. So before settling with a provider, consider how large the pool size is.

The larger the pool, the easier it is to pick and select new IPs and locations whenever the need arises.

  1. Confirm IP Rotation Feature

Rotating proxies are those that can switch IPs frequently. This rotation can be automatic and set to happen at intervals or manually.

Changing IPs and locations is important for different internet activities. If the bulk of your operations requires switching details to avoid blocking, it is important to check if the proxy you intend to subscribe to allows for this feature.

  1. Go For Ethically Sourced Proxies

It is legal to scrape for publicly available data, but some proxies may go beyond that and scrape for data the owner doesn’t want to scrape.

You will need to check to ensure that the providers you are settling for only stick to what is ethical and legal.

  1. Check Reviews

Reviews by other users hold the best answers to whether or not you should go with a particular provider.

Providers that provide the best services often have several great reviews, while those that provide poor services get no reviews or get only negative reviews.

  1. Confirm Scalability and Integration Option

Proxies, like all tools, are designed to handle more tasks as the brand grows and expands. The option you settle for must have the capacity to scale up and grow to meet your future needs.

The proxy you decide on must also have no problem integrating with other important tools such as headless browsers and web scrapers.

  1. Consider Cost

For many businesses, the cost is the greatest determining factor for what tools they opt for. Before settling for one service provider, kindly check your company budget. And ensure that it is something you can afford over a long period.

  1. Know the Ease of Maintenance

And finally, check how easy it is to maintain the tool. Software needs to be updated and maintained occasionally to ensure optimal performance.

Some tools are managed and maintained by the providers, while the subscribers maintain others.

It is important to understand the rules before choosing a particular proxy.


There are several types of proxies, but not all will serve the same purpose. It is crucial to pick only what can meet your brand’s needs.

Also, to ensure you pick the best pick, it is important to consider several factors like the ones listed above.

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