
NextGen Meditouch vs. Elation EHR – Your Guide

A client portal is now needed for EMR because of the ease of use it provides. Furthermore, independent hospitals are frequently short on staff, and administrative responsibilities are frequently assigned to nurses. You can relieve some of your workloads while also assisting patients with NextGen MediTouch software. Patients can access their reports and consultations through this platform. They can also access medical documents, complete electronic forms, and make new appointments. They also don’t have to go to the hospital to get lab results because they can get them from the clinic’s website. NextGen is an excellent choice because of the portal, which is a valuable feature.


Intuitive Dashboard


The NextGen EMR interface is simple and straightforward, making navigation much easier. Doctors are always in a hurry, and the developers took that into account when creating the app. Because there is a centralized screen with large, simple-to-select icons, you can access all of the functions. You’ll soon find that using the system is second nature to you, and you’ll be gliding through the process like a pro. The software’s goal is to make things simpler for customers, and the cohesive dashboard appears to accomplish that goal.


Appointment Scheduling


A medical clinic’s schedule should be well-organized; otherwise, the clinic will not function properly. The system equips you with the tools you need to schedule appointments more efficiently and see more clients in one day. It can also send reminders to patients prior to their scheduled appointments to ensure that they do not forget. You can also use individuals on the waiting list to fill empty spaces. As a result, scheduling an appointment is much easier, and there are no last-minute cancellations, which is a major concern for many physicians.




Health records should be fully compatible to enable all users easy access. It’s crucial that the platform also makes this available to medical practices with limited resources. You need all the help you can get when operating a clinic or hospital. This feature establishes a connection between the program and other healthcare providers, as well as adds you to the network. Patients can be referred to specialists, and previous doctors’ medical records can be obtained. Identifying ailments and developing the best treatment strategy is also simple when you have access to a library of information.


Elation EMR Features


Value Based Care


Every clinician aspires to provide excellent care, but participating in government-funded value-based client care systems can be difficult. The majority of doctors are reluctant to do so because they are worried about losing revenue. EMR alleviates this concern by providing clinical warnings about prospective gaps in patient care. As a result, the medical software evaluates the patient’s diagnosis and age and notifies you of any required screenings or tests. To avoid meddling with your workflow, notifications appear at the top of the consultation note. You can, of course, disregard it if it is deemed unnecessary.


Clinical Documentation


Documenting client health records is simpler and more effective now that the EMR supplier intended the Elation solution for physicians. You can save time by uploading and updating client records in real-time. As a result, it enables you to complete tasks in three minutes or less on a regular basis, whereas other systems require five minutes or more.


Integrated RCM


Elation EHR’s professional revenue cycle management is another function that adds to its usability. It enables you to devote all of your attention to patient care instead of compliance, technology, or claims processing. When you use Elation software to manage your medical billing, you can be sure that your costs will go down while your collections go up. It aids in increasing efficiencies so that the best practice management and financial status can be provided.


Reduction in Errors


The software demonstration makes it simple to find and contact patients who are due for routine check-ups or screenings. You can plan emails to be sent in bulk electronically, alleviating stress and allowing you to focus on other tasks. Clients can visit the customer portal after receiving the message and schedule an appointment based on their presence. As a result, it significantly reduces the number of scheduled phone calls.


Meditouch NextGen vs. Elation – Pricing


You will be charged on a subscription basis for the solution. EMR is available for $349 per month. The EMR also provides a free Elation EHR demo with all the features so you can be sure you’re getting exactly what you want. The company does, in fact, believe in complete transparency.


The cloud-based EMR from NextGen makes implementation quick and painless, taking only two months from start to finish. The software isn’t the most user-friendly, but it’s affordable. NextGen EHR pricing ranges from $299 to $549 per provider. To know more about its pricing plans, you can schedule a NextGen EHR demo.  

NextGen EHR Reviews vs. Meditouch EHR Reviews


Elation EHR is praised for its user-friendly interface. It is user-friendly and has fewer bugs than other medical software, according to users. They are astonished at how everything is set up exactly how they want it, saving them energy and time. Users, on the other hand, recommend that the EMR supplier release frequent software updates. The majority of NextGen EMR users, on the other hand, consider the features listed above to be extremely convenient and user-friendly. As a result, the feedback has been mostly positive. However, a small number of customers have reported a few issues. As a result, even though it has a high online rating, we must admit that it has flaws.


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