
How Should a Small Business Owner Respond to Negative Reviews?

Many shoppers check out the reviews written by other buyers before hitting the buy button. It is natural for people to want to see what others have already experienced before spending money on something they haven’t tried before.


Often, reviews will determine whether they will proceed to make a purchase or not. Coming across a negative review is not a rare occurrence. But trust us, there is always a second chance to make an excellent first impression with the proper response.


What Causes Negative Reviews?

Have you ever purchased a product only to find that it does not meet its promise or your expectations? We believe your review was not positive. Unprofessional and untrained staff, as well as poor packaging, could result in unsatisfied customers.


How To Handle Negative Reviews

As mentioned above, getting one or two negative reviews does not mean the end of your business. But how do you set it aside and forge ahead?


That is what we are going to find out in this article. Stay tuned for good insights. Walk with us.


Step 1 – Acknowledge the problem and express genuine regret.

If you come across a negative review on Google, Yelp, or any other site, be quick to respond to it.


The correct response, in this case, is to accept that your business is at fault and apologize for the customer’s bad experience.


Your response could be the difference between getting other customers to trust you and making a purchase or leaving your site and proceeding to your competitor’s.


Step 2 – Seek the customer’s audience privately.

Contacting the customer personally after posting the public response is the next thing you should do.


Use their email, phone number, Facebook, or any other contact you may have to strike up a private conversation. Consequently, offer them the right solution and win them back.


Step 3 – Make every effort to remedy the situation

While a negative review is not good for business, it could help you make adjustments that will help you bring in more customers in the future.


Let’s say they had an unpleasant encounter with one of your staff members. Raising the issue will help you see the need to train your staff on proper customer service.


What if the dissatisfaction arose from their order being delivered in poor packaging material? If this is the case, you will need to contact a professional packaging company and upgrade your item’s packaging.


Especially for medicine and supplements, custom packaging is an excellent way to continue the conversation regarding specificities of product dosage and use.


Step 4 – Ask the customer for another chance.

If the angry customer was receptive to your first attempts, they might now be willing to give you another opportunity.


Please take advantage of this chance and welcome them back to do business with you. Give them a coupon to spend on their next purchase.

Step 5 – Forge ahead!

No matter how hard you try, it is impossible to please certain people.

If you have tried to contact the dissatisfied customer for further information or reimbursement, but they haven’t responded, it’s time to move on.

You cannot dwell on the bad as this will deter your progress. You’ve already played your part; now concentrate on increasing positive reviews on Google and Yelp.

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