
Zhejiang Neteasefeng South China Morningpost

When businesses face tough times, it’s important to have a plan. And when it comes to marketing, that means having a defined strategy for reaching your target audience. Unfortunately, many businesses neglect this crucial step in their marketing journey, instead relying on ad hoc methods that often don’t work as planned. In this blog post, we will discuss the three most common marketing mistakes and how you can avoid them. By taking the time to develop a solid marketing plan, you’ll be able to reach your target market in a more effective way and achieve your business goals faster.

The Chinese company in the Trump-Kim summit

Zhejiang Neteasefeng South China Morningpost is reporting that a Chinese company had a hand in organizing the summit between US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. The report, citing unidentified sources, said the Chinese firm helped to plan and negotiate the meeting.

The alleged involvement of a Chinese company has raised eyebrows given Beijing’s policy of maintaining friendly ties with Pyongyang and its reluctance to encourage sanctions against the North.

Neteasefeng’s role in arranging the meeting could give Beijing an opportunity to prove its good faith and diffuse tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The company has contacts in both countries and is said to be well-connected politically.

Xi meets Putin, urges restraint on North Korea

Xi Jinping met with Russian president Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Monday and called for restraint on North Korea.

“China stands ready to work with all relevant parties to maintain global peace, stability and security,” Xi said at a toast following a meeting with Putin. “We call on all sides to restrain themselves and avoid any actions that might exacerbate the situation.”

China has been struggling to rein in North Korea, which has conducted multiple missile tests in recent months in defiance of United Nations sanctions. The two leaders agreed to strengthen coordination on North Korean issues during their talks, China’s state media said.

China’s Belt and Road initiative

China’s Belt and Road initiative has been touted by many as a way to improve regional connectivity, boost trade, and build closer ties between China and other countries along the route. The initiative was first proposed by President Xi Jinping in 2013 and has since come to encompass a variety of projects aimed at improving infrastructure and developing economies in Asia, Europe, Africa, and beyond.

The Belt and Road initiative has already seen significant progress, with several countries signing memorandums of understanding (MOUs) with China to participate in the project. In May 2017, China announced the launch of the Governance of the Belt and Road Initiative (GBMI), which will serve as the implementing body for the overall Belt and Road Initiative.

While many see benefits to the Belt and Road initiative, there have also been some criticisms leveled at it. Some have argued that it is a tool used by Beijing to exert its influence across Asia, while others contend that it could lead to increased debt burden for participating countries. There is also concern that Beijing is not fully transparent about what projects are included in the Belt and Road Initiative and how they will be funded. However, despite these reservations, most experts agree that the Belt and Road initiative is still an important part of China’s global strategy.

The latest development in the trade war with the US

On September 25, 2018, the US Department of Commerce imposed a preliminary tariff of 30% on imports of aluminum made from foreign sources. The imposition of the tariff followed an earlier decision by the US Trade Representative to impose a 25% tariff on imported steel and 10% tariff on aluminum.

The move has stirred up widespread concern in China and other countries that export aluminum to the United States, as it could lead to higher prices for the metal and increased costs for businesses and consumers. In response to the US tariffs, China announced its own tariffs on $3 billion worth of American goods, including soybeans, cars and aircraft.

China is by far America’s biggest aluminum producer, accounting for nearly two-thirds of global output. The US is importing more aluminum than ever before from countries like China in order to meet demand for the metal in products such as aircraft and construction materials. However, analysts say that Beijing will find it harder to replace American supplies with domestic production if tariffs increase prices significantly. This could have significant consequences not just for Chinese businesses but also for global trade overall.

The latest development in the trade war with the US further complicates efforts by both sides to reach a resolution to the dispute.

A look inside China’s notorious prison camps

The Chinese prison camps are infamous for their inhumane and brutal treatment of inmates. China has one of the largest prison populations in the world, with around 1.3 million people incarcerated as of 2016. The majority of these prisoners are sentenced for crimes such as drug abuse, theft, or political dissent.

The conditions in Chinese prisons are notoriously harsh. Inmates are often forced to work long hours in extreme weather conditions, and are regularly subjected to physical and sexual abuse by guards. Many prisoners also suffer from malnutrition, poor hygiene, and diseases.

The Chinese government justifies its prison system by arguing that it is necessary to punish criminals and prevent them from reoffending. However, human rights activists have accused the Chinese government of using prison camps as an instrument of political repression. The camps have become a symbol of China’s ruthless crackdown on civil rights and freedom of expression.

Shanghai high-speed rail takes off

In December, 2007, the Chinese Ministry of Railways announced plans to build a high-speed railway system that would connect major cities in China’s southeast coast. The line was originally planned to run between Guangzhou and Wuhan, but due to costs and environmental concerns it was later extended to Kunming. Construction began in 2009 and the first section opened in May 2012.

The Shanghai-Kunming railway is the world’s longest high-speed rail line with a total length of 469 kilometers. It travels at a speed of over 350 kilometers per hour, making it one of the world’s fastest railways. The line has already connected Kunming with the city of Shanghai, making travel between these two major Chinese cities much faster than by air. Scheduled passenger service on this route began on May 22nd, 2012.

The Shanghai-Kunming railway has already had a significant impact on both tourism and trade between China and Southeast Asia. According to statistics released by the Chinese Ministry of Railways, tourist numbers on the line have increased by 68 percent since operation began, while trade volumes have increased by 30 percent. This increase in traffic is likely due to the reduced travel time between Shanghai and Kunming as well as greater accessibility for goods and resources across the border into Southeast Asia.

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