
What is ISO? Five key benefits of quality management systems

An ISO quality management certificate can make a huge difference in your business’ efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction.

ISO is an international organization that sets standards for businesses and other organizations. Best Practice Biz is a company that helps businesses to improve their practices by providing consulting, training, and certification services.

The benefits of ISO extend beyond your business operations and touch every facet of your business, including sales, marketing, and employee engagement.

ISO (International Organization for Standardization), an independent non-governmental organization, develops standards in order to ensure the quality, safety, and efficiency of products and services.

This requires that you set clear goals for your company, standardize processes, and communicate them to your employees.

1. Identify the risks and the opportunities

Quality issues can be prevented by taking preventative measures. ISO 9001, the most popular standard for quality management, asks you to identify and manage potential risks in your business. This approach to risk-based thinking results in fewer surprises, better planning, more effective decision making, and better relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.

We sit down and reflect on the historical mistakes. We try to prevent these things from ever happening again. This allows you to decrease the chance of things going wrong.

ISO also asks that you look for potential opportunities for your business, and plan how to make the most of them.

2. Avoid problems from recurring

Businesses make the same mistakes all too often because they lack a system to track and fix problems as they arise. ISO requires that you keep detailed records about problems and find the root cause to come up with long-lasting solutions. This results in less waste, higher quality, and lower costs.

Rework, defective products and services can lead to a lot of waste. This could all be avoided. ISO helps you identify the problem and fix it. It is also part of the company’s knowledge to prevent it from happening again.

3. Increase your sales and marketing efforts

Think about how many times you have seen ISO certifications promoted by companies in advertisements, on their websites, and outside their buildings. ISO certification is an internationally recognized quality management system that will help you market and increase sales. Many large corporations require that their suppliers are ISO certified. Certification is especially important for those who want to expand their business into foreign markets.

Many SMEs want to expand and sell outside Canada. We often see them asking for ISO 9001 or any other industry-specific ISO standard.

4. Performance of employees can be improved

When employees know that you are committed to producing high-quality products and services and eliminating waste, they feel more motivated. ISO requires that you clearly define your tasks, eliminate skill gaps and communicate your quality policies with employees.

We see confusion and doubt in the workplace when things aren’t done in a well-organized manner. ISO gives people the security and support they need to succeed. They are given the resources, tools, and training they need to succeed in their job. People will be happier when it’s well-organized and will want to do more.

5. Increase your control of the business

ISO demands that you monitor, measure, and analyze the effectiveness of your quality control system. You will be able to generate performance metrics that will allow you to assess how effective your quality management system is and where improvements can be made. These powerful tools allow you to gain insight into your business and make more informed decisions.

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