
Social Media’s Role in Students’ Life

Social media is a cluster of websites and applications that offer users an opportunity to share anything and expand their social networks. Alongside publishing images and updating statuses, the social network allows for interactive technology, which enables people to share ideas, ideas, information, career passions, and other kinds of expression via visible communities and global networks.

What Use do Students Make of Social Media?

A prevalent majority of students is connected to a mobile device with access to the internet. This implies that the use of technology that is mobile for education could exclude as little as 5 percent of students.

In the age of digital social media has evolved into an important tool, not just to promote marketing and communication but also in the realm of education. The lockdown period during COVID-19 saw the closing of several educational institutions, which has left social media as the sole platform for students to link.

Social media has evolved into a suitable medium for quickly sharing, reviewing, and obtaining data.

The Significance of Social Media to Students

As mentioned above, social media plays an integral role in the life of every student. In the era of substituting brick-and-mortar schooling with online classes, social media has evolved into a bulletin board from which you can find all the details about classes, question-clearing sessions, and results. Students can also communicate with their classmates to discuss and share knowledge.

Teachers have also embraced social media to communicate with their students, teach students and clarify their questions. So social media is not just a distraction anymore – it is now a stable companion to students:  

  • The study indicates the following: 65 percent of professors utilize social media to manage their personal lives. 34 percent employ it to teach.
  • Additionally, the study has produced the result that 41 percent of students under 35, as opposed to 30 percent of people over 55, employed social media in the classroom.
  • Faculty members in these areas of the Humanities and Arts, Professions and Applied Sciences, as well as the Social Sciences, employ social media in greater numbers than faculty within Natural Sciences, Mathematics as well as Computer Science.
  • In contrast, Facebook and LinkedIn are utilized to connect professional and social relationships, and blogs and wikis are favored for teaching.
  • Of the faculty, 88 percent, regardless of discipline, said they used online video within the class.

Social Media in the Education   


Online learning devices can be more practical than conventional classroom-based learning (using textbooks to study) because of the accessibility of online learning materials and the accessibility to learning 24 hours a day.

Social media has earned a reputation as a reliable source of information. In addition, it offers a fantastic opportunity for students and teachers to connect. Students can also broaden their perspectives by connecting with teachers all over the world and gaining information. With social media, teachers can help students immerse in learning more through various ways of education.

Easy Sharing of Information

There is no need to contact each other in order to share the details. Sharing any information is just so much easier on social media. Students can communicate important information and study materials such as projects, assignments, practice papers, and other exam information with their peers and classmates.

It also offers platforms specifically designed for students such as StudyCrumb. They provide all the details from the list of books and study materials as well as class memos, videos, and courses from teachers, which students are able to access. This is especially helpful in preparation for any exam that is competitive.

Online Classes

There is no longer a time that students were required to take a trip from their homes to distant locations to prepare for exams. Today, online classes are becoming a trend, and all institutions are adapting to the style of learning. So, the internet has enabled classes within each student’s home, without the need to move to another city.

Expanding Knowledge

Since social media is free of boundaries or borders, it allows students to meet people from around the world and expand their knowledge. When students experience doubts while studying, social media is a huge assist in the gathering of relevant details through various platforms.While students in the past had to wait for a meeting with the teacher, and then clarify their doubts; in the age of social media, all it takes is one search to find the solution to any of your questions.

Sharing Knowledge

Social media can also be an excellent way for students to communicate their expertise. Students who pass the test use social platforms to share their knowledge and strategies for preparing. This is extremely helpful to students who are working on the test.

Social media is a great way to show off your talents and showcase the knowledge you have gained, it also acts as a guide for students who wish to make a difference within their own lives.

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