home improvement

Signs of Mold in Homes:

Mold may be a pesky problem in your home, but it’s not dangerous unless you’re exposed to toxic levels. In fact there are two different types of molds that can give off allergic reactions-and even death.

With this information we hope to empower everyone with knowledge on how best handle these situations should they arise so as to avoid any harmful consequences from occurring at all.

The notorious Stachybotrys chartarum–more commonly known as black mold–produces mycotoxins that may lead to serious health issues including burning sensation in throat and lungs, chest pain; persistent coughing which can cause infection or bronchitis among other things. Prolonged exposure has been linked with depression too. Adkins Pro that offers mold remediation in Fort Lauderdale has given the following points to detect mold at your property. 

Do You Have Harmful Mold In Your House?

  • Watch out for a nasty smell

The most likely sign that you are not dealing with any ordinary mold is a musty odor, sort of like the dirt from leaves that have been sitting in wet conditions for too long. Mold thrives off dark and damp environments so if your house has an unusual smell follow it to cramped spaces inside where there might be more hidden troublemakers lurking.

  • Look for visible growth

If you see dark rings or spots on the ceiling, it could be a sign of mold. This type is not always toxic but should also get checked out right away to make sure there are no other signs that this bothersome issue has been spreading through your home.

  • Even after You’ve Removed The Mold, Stains Remain.

If you have tried to clean up mold yourself, it is not a good idea. However if after disinfecting and wiping away residue from an area that still stains your walls then maybe it’s time for another inspection before calling professional help.

Mold can be very harmful so make sure never try cleaning these areas without consulting someone who knows what they are doing.

  • Pay Close Attention To The Hue And Texture.

A toxic mold has a grayish, soot-like texture or slimy wet surface. Black Mold is typically more green than black in color and can cause asthma symptoms if inhaled.

Mold often appears brown due to its natural food sources such as breads/grain products which give it an earthy appearance but there are also molds that appear blue because of pigments used during manufacturing processes.

Mold can look ugly and scary, but it’s important to know that there are types of molds which do not produce a toxic substance when grown. If you find furry orange or brown spots in your home then don’t get too close; call an expert immediately.

  • You Begin To Suffer From Health Issues.

You can’t afford to wait until your symptoms get worse before you take action. Respiratory issues and other dangerous effects from exposure like rashes, coughing or fatigue will eventually get much worse if left unaddressed – call someone who knows what they are doing today.

Mold Sickness Symptoms

If you suspect toxic mold in your home, it’s important that not only do the right precautions go into effect but also pay attention to any illness or symptoms affecting people around.


The list of common respiratory and allergy symptoms is extensive. The most prevalent ones include: shortness of breath, cough/sneezing (especially at night), sore throat or nasal congestion with a runny nose in addition to itchy eyes and watery mucous membranes that may be present as well.

https://adkinspro.com/ has the tools to handle any type of mold, toxic or not. Our 3-step process includes removal and remediation as well comprehensive inspection for potential repairs that will make your home safe once again.

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