
Four Best Essential Oils and Their Benefits

In today’s times, people try to find natural remedies and treatments for their health problems because they want to prevent the side effects of allopathic medicines. Many natural sciences like Ayurveda, Homeopathy, meditation, supplements, aromatherapy, etc., help improve one’s health without causing any side effects.

Aromatherapy is gaining popularity in the world because of the use of aromatic essential oils. These oils are available for sale by many brands in different forms.

Some brands sell them as rollon essential oils, while some sell them in dropper bottles. There are many benefits of using essential oils not only in terms of health issues but also for skin care and hair care purposes. You can use them to create your essential beauty products. Many people use these oils for other purposes, like infusing fragrances into their products and making their own perfumes.

However, if you want to know the benefits of some essential oils so that you can buy them and use them for your health, then you can refer to the following points:


All essential oils are extracted from a specific part of some plant. For example, the lavender essential oil is extracted from the flowers of the lavender plant. It contains the rich essence and fragrance of the flowers. If you are aware of the lavender’s smell, you will know how soothing the fragrance is. According to aromatherapy experts, lavender essential oil helps in improving sleep. So, if a person is dealing with sleep deprivation or any issues related to sleep, he can inhale lavender essential oil or use it as a room diffuser. The soothing aroma of this oil will help him in improving his sleep.


The bergamot essential oil comes from the leaves of the bergamot plant. It has a rich citrusy aroma which helps in relieving stress and anxiety. However, experts suggest that one should not use it topically as it can cause skin damage if exposed to the sun. If you use it topically, ensure you don’t go out in the sun for the next 12 hours. Similarly, you can also use lemon, citronella, and other citrusy essential oil for the same purpose, but you must avoid the sun as these citrusy oils are photosensitive.


The geranium essential oil is extracted from the leaves of a plant called Pelargonium Graveolens. This oil has a history of being used for many health issues, but it has noticeable effects on menstrual health. According to some studies, if one inhales this oil regularly, it can increase estrogen levels in some parts of the body, which helps reduce the nauseating effects of menopause. Many people use it in combination with rose essential oil because its composition has anti-inflammatory properties. Women who experience severe menstrual cramps or mood swings can also use this oil for its remarkable benefits in such conditions.


Rosemary is a tree commonly used in many food products, supplements, medicines, and skincare products because of its antioxidant properties. The rosemary essential oil has beneficial effects on memory. For example, if a person is going to give some exams, he must have rosemary essential oil regularly as it will help him remember all the information by improving brain power.

The points mentioned above list some important essential oils along with their benefits. Many brands sell these essential oils in different styles. If you want to purchase some oils for topical use, you can buy rollon essential oils, but if you want some for inhalation, you can get dropper bottles to create your blends for inhalation.

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