
Could Your Sleep Anxiety Be the Cause of Your Drowsiness?

There is nothing more stressful than trying get to sleep and feeling exhausted. A bad night’s sleep can quickly turn into the next day of exhaustion, anxiety, and agitation. This can lead to a vicious cycle that can result in more stress and even sleeplessness. There are many reasons why you might feel tired but not able to fall asleep. These elements are crucial to understanding and recognizing Modalert in order to support your sleep hygiene, general wellbeing, and overall health.

What is it about feeling exhausted throughout the day?

Experts in sleep say that excessive fatigue is often caused by a poor relationship with technology. Many people no longer have the same routines or habits that help them fall asleep deep. Instead of prioritizing downtime, we are now catching up with TV shows, scrolling through social media, and responding to emails from work. An increase in anxiety and sleeplessness, overuse of coffee and hormonal changes in the women’s bodies can also lead to sleep problems and weariness.

Anxiety, Tension – sleeping soundly is possible only if you are free from worry and stress.

People with anxiety disorders such as panic disorder and mental hyper arousal often find themselves in a constant state of mental hyper reactivity at night. They obsess about the past and worry about what the future holds. Anxiety at night can be particularly disruptive as it disrupts your circadian rhythm (your body’s 24-hour biological clock). Cortisol, a stress hormone, is usually secreted throughout the day by the body. Its levels rise shortly after awakening and decrease as the day progresses.

The nocturnal stress and anxiety that can cause cortisol levels to rise, when it should be falling, to make way for melatonin (your sleep hormone), may throw off this balance. This physiological change keeps you awake and alert, and can lead to insomnia and fatigue. Because there is often a reciprocal link between insomnia and mental health issues, it can be difficult to fall asleep. Anxiety and stress can affect sleep and lead to sleep problems. It is not difficult to see the connection between sleep problems and depression.

Hormonal irregularities

Hormonal changes could also be a reason you feel tired and can’t fall asleep at night. Hormonal changes just before menstruation can cause body temperature to rise, decrease REM sleep (rapid eye-movement), decrease melatonin, mood swings, migraines, painful menstrual cramps, and lower melatonin levels. These effects can make it more difficult to fall asleep, and may result in more nighttime awakenings.

Perimenopause symptoms can also occur if you feel tired but cannot fall asleep. As perimenopause progresses, your sleep quality will be affected by the decrease in progesterone and oestrogen hormone levels. These hormonal changes can cause night sweats or anxiety that makes it difficult for you to fall asleep, even if you are exhausted.


If you need five strong coffees to get through the day, your caffeine habit could be keeping you awake at night. Caffeine is a commonly used stimulant that can prolong the time it takes for you to fall asleep, decrease sleep efficiency, reduce total sleep time and lower the quality of your sleep. Caffeine has a half-life of 24 hours. This means that drinking any caffeinated beverage after lunch could result in you having 25% of caffeine in your system by bedtime.

Electronic devices

Your body’s circadian rhythm is controlled by impulses from dark and light. Light signals action, while darkness signals relaxation. However, electronics used too close to nighttime can disrupt the body’s natural circadian rhythm. The blue light emitted from screens and electronic devices inhibits the production of melatonin, which is your sleep hormone. The blue light from electronic devices tricks your brain into thinking you are awake. This makes you feel more energetic than you should after taking Waklert and Modvigil.

Disrupted circadian rhythms

Our biological disposition to function during the day is diurnal. We can also sleep at night because of our circadian rhythm (internal 24-hour clock), which is synced to external cues such as hormones and natural light.

Circadian rhythm disorders are caused by inconsistencies between your internal clock’s 24-hour cycle and the light-dark cycle. If your internal clock isn’t working correctly, you might experience symptoms like insomnia or excessive daytime fatigue.


If you want to fall asleep at night, you need to manage your anxiety. There are many ways to improve your sleep quality, including coping strategies such as supplements like Artvigil. Cognitive-behavioral Therapy is one example. CBT is often used to treat anxiety because it allows you to deal with unfavorable thoughts. It can help you sleep better after just a few sessions. Just make sure to talk with your therapist about your concerns.

Meditation, breathing exercises, breath work, and meditation can all help you reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality at home. These techniques will teach you how to relax your mind and body before going to bed. You can research these techniques online or talk to your therapist to find the best ones.

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