
e-Learning Training Provider for Health and Social care

If you’re wondering what the long-term benefits of a Learning Management System (LMS) are, in social care is, then we are here to tell you!

Whether you are researching which LMS you should be going for, or for your next e-Learning Training Provider for Health and Social Care we are here to share some long-term benefits.

We’ve seen that using an LMS is a great tool that will assist any care organisation. An LMS can allow the Social Care sector to easily manage and track e-Learning, policies and reports. Regardless of your care organisations size, an LMS will help align your Learning and Development to a more professional and consistent approach. Although LMS’ are capable of much more than simplifying Learning and Development, a great LMS can provide many other long-term benefits.

Return on Investment for Learning and Development

When looking at new LMS software, its beneficial to know how the system you have chosen is going to be a great ROI. Often, an e-learning training provider for Health and Social Care will have specific examples of ROI for their own clients. Overall, it’s worth noting that a great LMS will automate many activities and bring together everything needed for your organisation.

  • Administration users can use an LMS to set-up learners, their journeys and assignments.
  • Manager users can use an LMS to generate on-demand reports for compliance and to monitor and track learning and development.
  • Learners will benefit from completing their allocated e-learning from any device at any time.

A great system to manage Training and Development

An LMS is a great tool to keep track of the Learning and Development by monitoring the training your care staff have completed. This is made easy because all their e-Learning is completed online, there is typically no paperwork with easy to access certificates.

Within LMS software there will be a range of reports which allow your care organisation to get real-time data on learning progress, and allowing admins and managers to produce compliance reports when needed.

Care Staff engagement and empowerment

An LMS needs to allow your staff to access their learning whenever they like, on any device, seamlessly. An innovative, intuitive system can provide your team with the tools to take ownership of their own learning by letting them choose a time that suits them.

We believe that a good design and user experience helps provide a stronger level of user engagement. Your LMS needs to understand that there will be different user types such as Administrators, Managers and Learners. Each user type will utilise the system differently, making it quick and efficient when completing tasks relevant to each user.

Blended Learning and Bespoke LMS

As we have established, LMS’ can automate many tasks when it comes to Learning and Development. Whilst this is great, it is worth noting that many LMS’ can integrate with other systems, to allow everything to be in once place. This helps to completely digitalise an organisation within social care and long-term bring benefits of succession planning when utilising reports.

Blended Learning within LMS’ are really important to support streamlining learning and development. Some LMS’ will provide course uploaders so that bespoke courses can be added alongside internal documents and policies for staff to read and sign.

My Learning Cloud provides an all-in-one solution to support e-Learning, our Learning Management System is supported by a user-friendly interface and provides e-Learning courses that are CPD certified and interactive. Our learning management system for health and social care also supports a Blended Learning solution which involves a range of different learning types, from workshops, face-to-face training, distance learning and e-Learning courses.

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