
What Happens When Two Siblings Own A Property And One Dies?

Your estate plan’s different elements will determine what goes on with your property after your death. Making judgments, as well as taking into account a lot of different considerations, can make estate planning a challenging process. One thing that unites all of those variables is; the way your property is titled.

What Happens to Property When the Owner Dies

Depending on how it is held, the property can be either a probate asset or a non-probate asset.

•          Non-probate Asset

The ability to transfer the right of non-probate assets from the deceased to the living is already in place, so they do not need to proceed through the court-governed probate procedure when the owner passes away.

Simply because they outlive the deceased owner, other owners or beneficiaries automatically gain authority over their share of the assets.

Assets that are not subject to probate include those that are tenancy-by-the-entirety-owned and some communal property, as well as those that are jointly owned with the right of survivorship. Any asset with a beneficiary designated to transfer it when the owner dies is included in them.

•          Probate Asset

As the name implies, assets subject to probate have to proceed through a court-governed probate procedure once the owner passes away because there are no other means to transfer ownership of an item from the decedent to the inheritors.

Property having single ownership, property owned as tenants-in-common, and any additional asset possessed together but without right of survivorship are all considered probate assets.

If a final will were left by the owner, that would determine who obtains assets in probate. Beneficiaries should be determined by the terms of the owner’s final will, if there is one.

Otherwise, the owner’s assets will be distributed by the intestacy laws of the state where the owner resided at the time of the owner’s death, as well as the intestacy rules of any other state where the owner possessed real estate.

The surviving spouse is often the first person taken into account by intestate succession rules, followed by any direct descendants. Rarely do more distant relatives receive an inheritance unless the dead had no spouse as well as no children who were still alive.

If you are concerned or confused about what will happen to your assets after your death, then it will be beneficial for you to check out probate administration attorneys so you can have a clear understanding and can easily decide what you should do with your property.

Co-owners with the Right to Survive

In contrast to tenants in common, you are not free to give your property to whoever you want if you possess it as joint tenants with the liberty of survivorship.

Rather, the remaining proprietors inherit the ownership rights of any deceased owners when two or more persons hold property as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, which, as noted by NOLO, avoids the need for probate.

For instance, if you and your sister or your brother jointly own a residence with the right of survivorship, then your sister or your brother will instantly succeed in the ownership after your death.

Tenants by the Entirety

Most states allow for joint tenancy by the complete property ownership between spouses. Survivorship rights are also a part of this shared form of property ownership. 

Tenancy, in its entirety, however, is only permitted between spouses and cannot occur with other types of joint ownership. 

If one of the co-owners passes away, the remaining spouse, who is still a co-owner, continues to own the property as the sole owner.

Does Your Estate Pass On To Your Siblings?

Estate planning is essential for many reasons, one of which is the ambiguity surrounding regulations governing sibling inheritance. You can specify what will go on to your property by writing a Will or either a Trust.

Nothing makes more sense than placing your wishes in a formal, legally-binding contract if you would like to grant something to your siblings or another heir.

Making a Will or transferring property into a trust might be a proactive strategy to prevent confusion as well as family issues if you wish to keep your Estate away from the probate court as well as prevent your family from quarreling over your possessions.

Rule of Intestacy

Under the laws of intestacy, the deceased’s brothers as well as sisters, or even nieces, as well as nephews may inherit the property. However, you must know that numerous factors will determine this, such as:

•           Regardless of whether a married or unmarried partner is still alive

•           If there are any children, grandchildren, or great-grandchildren.

•           When it comes to nephews and nieces, whether the parent who was directly linked with the individual who passed away also passed away.

•           The size of the estate depends on.

Changing How the Estate Is Distributed

If a person passes away without leaving a will and another person wants to change how their property is distributed, that person can do so as long as they act within two years of the passing.

Making a family arrangement or modification deed is what this is known as. There must be unanimous consent among all the inheritors under the intestacy laws.

If they concur, the assets may be distributed differently, allowing those who are not entitled to inherit under the intestacy laws to nonetheless receive a portion of the inheritance. Alternatively, they can concur that the distribution of money differs from what would be the case under the intestacy laws.


If you have to deal with the property of your sibling that has died, then it is highly recommended that you contact a lawyer who handles these types of inevitable cases so you can have the ethical knowledge demanded.

There are various rules and procedures that one has to go through, and for that, individuals will require proper documentation as well. It is also important that siblings or any other family member should respect the Will of the person who passed away and start no disputes within the family.

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