
Kareo EMR vs Experity EMR A Thorough Comparision

Medical professionals provide their expertise and services through various means. Patients can seek help from hospitals, departments, clinics, and even volunteer medical camps. Independent Practice allows a practitioner to provide the services while owning the clinic. This kind of service shares the load from public hospitals. The workflow in independent practice is different than a government-funded hospital or clinic and you need comprehensive software to cater to your needs. There are many software that enables practice management for your clinic. Kareo EMR and Experity EHR are among the popular ones. This article gives 7 reasons why you should select Kareo EHR for your independent practice and gives a comparison between Kareo Clinical EHR and Experity EHR.


Kareo EHR Features

Kareo Clinical EHR is a complete solution provided by Kareo Inc., that manages your practice for you. It comes with a comprehensive dashboard, a calendar for appointment scheduling, a patient portal, telehealth capabilities, and state-of-the-art security features that ensure privacy for your EMR and EHR. Some of Kareo’s EMR features are discussed below: 

User-Friendly Interface

Kareo EMR features include a user-friendly and visually appealing interface. This is useful for new users working with Kareo EHR who can master it quickly. The product comes completely incorporated, and it is not difficult to accept notes and put down remedies as well as update patient records. The patient interface is coordinated with Kareo EMR and every clinical record can be seen and shared without any problem. 

Comprehensive Dashboard

Kareo Clinical EHR has a far-reaching and instinctive dashboard, that shows task records as well as a multi-asset schedule. The schedule can be optimized to eliminate clashes and present the schedule in an easy-to-understand way. Patient notes and constraints are considered when scheduling daily and weekly appointments. All the data available on the cloud enables access anytime and access anywhere feature. 

E-billing, E-prescription, and E-labs

Remedies, treatment, and prescriptions can be obtained electronically which reduces delays and physical interaction. A patient can register for lab procedures and get the results online. The results can be shared with the doctor and treatment updated. This makes it easier for a patient as they don’t have to wait in a hospital and delays can be avoided. All the procedures are linked with billing and e-bills are generated automatically. Bills are transmitted electronically using email, and messages and are notified to the user on their mobile devices as well. Kareo EHR is linked with insurance services and eligibility checks are also provided.

Secure Messaging

Patient records, treatments, prescriptions, and billing data are imparted to the patients through secure channels to guarantee privacy and enable reliability. Secure messages are sent among patients and specialists. The information is scrambled and encrypted end-to-end. Kareo EHR is Stage 2 Certified in information security and follows regulatory standards.

Kareo EMR Reviews 

Kareo is a solid, comprehensive, reliable, and secure cloud-based solution for EMR and EHR management. Kareo software enables gives all the essential features required for EMR management including a thorough dashboard, e-billing, and secure messaging.


Experity EMR Features

Experity is a cloud-based EMR, practice management, and medical software that can be customized and configured according to your future needs in medical practice. Some of the features of Experity EMR software are given below:

EMR and Workflow Management

Experity EMR is planned and created as a specific practice management solution for clinics and medical centers. All the workflows and processes including patient enrollment, appointment booking, appointment scheduling, clash identification and resolution, treatment, lab procedures, and billing are taken care of through this product. The product is coordinated with credit card companies including American Express, Visa, Mastercard, etc. The billing is integrated with insurance claims processing and eligibility checks that are provided prior to patient registration and treatment. The interactions are all handled smoothly from start till end. 

Emergency Care Solution

Experity EMR is focused on emergency care where no time should be wasted on complex software working. It enables ease of use as well as E/M code translation for quick medical treatment eligibility and insurance claims.

Interoperability and Sharing

Interoperability allows you to share EMR and EHR data with collaborators and partners for better consideration and service. Experity EMR empowers 3rd party software support and seamless integration so you can easily interact with partner services. These could be banking, insurance, medical regulation, and partner hospitals and clinics. The cloud-based arrangement makes it simple for you to share data and information while keeping up with trust.  

Technical & Training Services

With this software, you get 24/7 technical services to help you out of tricky situations. Furthermore, training can be provided to your staff members including medical practitioners, doctors, nurses, managers, and employees. There are facilities for on-job training as well. 

Kareo EHR vs. Experity EHR

Both Kareo and Experity provide practice management however based on the features, our take is Kareo clinical EHR software for its higher security, ease of use, and visual appeal. Below are 7 reasons why Kareo is suitable for your independent practice.

  1. Security features are especially ensured in Kareo EHR. This includes encryption, an access control list, and secure transmission.
  2. A low learning curve for new users. This helps in increasing productivity
  3. Cloud-based storage and retrieval enable access anytime and anywhere through a myriad of devices and systems. 
  4. A comprehensive practice management solution that gives you support for third-party software and services. This includes patient management, treatment, procedure management, and staff management and enables analysis and reporting.
  5. Support for e-billing and integration with medical insurance services that enable automatic billing, insurance claim processing, and subsequent payment. 
  6. The software follows routine workflows so that there is less training time and reduces conflicts
  7. It is available for all types of medical centers including small and large establishments. It provides flexible pricing and payment plans that are suitable for independent practice and provide you with the perfect fit of services.

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