
A Guide to Dapps: 5 Things to Know

DApp stands for Decentralized Application. These are apps that run on the blockchain. It consists of backend code that hosts its distribution on a decentralized peer-to-peer (P2P) network. These apps do not depend on a central agency. Instead, it depends on the same community of users and enables direct interaction between suppliers and users. The front-end of DApps is similar to the centralized applications. The backend, however, consists of smart contracts. A smart contract refers to a code living on the Ethereum blockchain that runs exactly as programmed. Smart contracts help in the execution of tasks for a DApp.

Most dApps are built on the Ethereum network. You can contact an Ethereum dapps development company to build a customized DApp for your business use cases. DApps developers generally use the Ethereum blockchain development platform for the following reasons:

  • Security: Ethereum is highly secure. It uses a P2P networkto which each user gets equal access. Ethereum is not managed by any centralized authority. Various security features such as cryptographic hash functions, digital signatures,  data encryption, and the “Proof of Work” (POW) consensus mechanism optimize its security.
  • Development tools: Ethereum platform provides developers access to valuable development tools.
  • Ethereum development guides: The Ethereum project team provides extensive Ethereum development tutorials and guides.

DApps: Open-source Revolution

DApps are moving beyond their nascent stage. There are certain key characteristics of DApps that differentiates them from the traditional web or mobile apps. The four key characteristics that distinguish these apps are:

  • Open Source: DApps have open-source The priority is to make the source code available to all. Autonomy and unanimous consensus form the core characteristics of this app.
  • Decentralized Nature: DApps store everything on a decentralized blockchain network.
  • Incentivization: The decentralized blockchain requires the validators of the records to be rewarded or incentivized with cryptographic tokens.
  • Algorithm: DApps must have a consensus mechanism that portrays proof of value within the cryptographic system.

Differences between Decentralized Applications and Centralized Applications

  • Advertisements: Users can exercise control with DApp if they want to share their data. For monetizing the DApp, they can sell it directly to an advertiser. However, for centralized applications, companies collect data from individuals without their consent.
  • Censure: DApps operate across multiple nodes. Thus, it is difficult for the government to ban websites. However, for centralized apps, governments may need hosting services to block certain websites.
  • Crash: All the nodes on the DApp network host the database. If a few nodes leave the network, the blockchain continues to operate without hassle. Hence, it faces much fewer vulnerabilities as compared to central databases. In centralized apps, when the database crashes, it can lead to data loss if you do not have a backup.
  • Trust: The nodes control the data in the DApp network, and no one can change it. The cryptography ensures smooth operation. In centralized apps, the central authority can manipulate the data creating trust issues. The data is stored on one server, making it an easy target.
  • Front End UI: Both centralized and decentralized apps have similar front UI. It is written in HTML/CSS/JS.
  • Backend: DApps are based on a blockchain, like Ethereum. The backend of the centralized app is written in Rails/Django/NodeJS, etc.

Type of dApps

As per an Ethereum white paper, generally, there are three types of dApps.

1) Financial applications: It provides users with more powerful ways to manage and enter into contracts with their money. It consists of sub-currencies, hedging contracts, financial derivatives, wills, savings wallets, and other employment contracts.

2) Semi-financial applications: It involves money but also has a non-monetary side. It mixes money with information outside the blockchain. For example, insurance apps refund money for a plane ticket if there is a flight delay.

3) Non-financial Apps: Some DApps don’t have to be financial. Apps like online voting and decentralized governance are not financial, like decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO). It utilizes all features that decentralized systems offer.

DApp Challenges

Dapps are in their early stage, and developers are still experimenting with them. Developers have yet to solve various pertinent problems in the underlying network holding back the DApps. For example, it can get very expensive to operate DApps if Ethereum has high user congestion. The traditional apps also experience issues with scale, but it magnifies in the decentralized environment. And it requires effective cooperation and coordination between the various stakeholders to resolve it.

Some of the important limitations that DApps experience include:

  • Difficulty in exploiting full hardware potential of user devices.
  • The app’s complexity can make it too difficult to debug and perform security reviews.
  • DApp’s growth and improvement depend on the improvements within blockchain structures. If the blockchain development is poor or non-existent, it affects the dApps performance.

To Conclude:

Dapps display the potential to become more efficient and censorship-resistant and help improve trust. dApps are more advanced versions of regular apps offering complete control over the transactions. At present times, it is providing the infrastructure necessary to develop cutting-edge digital solutions that can solve today’s problems.

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