
Strategies to Help Students Learn About Dyslexia

Writing and reading skills are crucial for students who want to learn well and succeed in school. These learning disabilities can lead to dyslexia in students. Sometimes, the school can feel frustrating and make students feel lower than their peers. Sometimes students feel that their underperformance is due to carelessness or lack of effort from teachers or classmates. Teachers must be able to understand dyslexia and help students succeed in class. Teachers can help their dyslexic students using different teaching methods.

1. Multi-Sensory Teaching

A multi-sensory approach can be very beneficial for children who struggle with dyslexia. It allows students the ability to use multiple senses simultaneously: sight, touch (sound, movement), and sound (sound). These exercises are beneficial for students with dyslexia as well as the students around them.

For students who are learning sight, touch, or sound, you can have them write down their spelling words and give them the definition. Then, they recite them to each other. This will allow students to hold the card (touch), examine what was written (sight), use their auditory skills, and recite the information aloud (sound). Students can also be involved in other creative activities and games, which will help them feel more inclusive.

2. Take It Slow

Many dyslexic students have difficulty focusing on what their teachers and peers are saying. To help students focus and understand their tasks for the day, it helps them to speak slowly. Give the students time to take notes and recall the most important points. The majority of dyslexic students have problems with short-term memory. This is why repetition and copying important information can be helpful.

3. Reading and Spelling

Dyslexic children struggle to master reading and spelling. Students with dyslexia may find it difficult to read aloud to others in the class. It is better to ask students to choose one of the two options. If they are not comfortable reading aloud, give them plenty of time to practice the passage before sharing it with the class. This will enable the child to feel valued and included when they read aloud to other children. It will also help them feel confident in their abilities. It is essential that students are only given books at their level. It is possible for students to become discouraged from reading books beyond their current skill level. They might have difficulty understanding many words and lose the motivation to read.

4. Homework and Grading

They are often more tired than their peers when the school day ends. This is because many tasks require more thought and take longer to complete. The homework of dyslexic students is more likely incorrect because they’ve probably exhausted all their energy during the school day. It is important to assign homework only that would benefit the dyslexic student. Although this might require you to give different exercises to your dyslexic student, you should use discretion. If others discover that homework levels are different from one another, this can cause a loss of self-esteem.

Dyslexic students do not need to feel isolated. These different resources and methods allow teachers and tutors to help dyslexic children succeed and make their lives easier.

Consider using our read learning center dyslexia assessment resources! Children throughout the Greater Sacramento Region receive the support they need to master writing and reading skills so that they can excel in school.

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